Friday, April 18, 2008

A Jar of Rocks

I was at my Life Group on Thursday and my friend Jordyn was saying that she could never find time to spend with God. She is continually bombarded by homework and chores. This seems to be a common occurrence amongst most people.

What would happen if we stepped out in faith by spending that time with God FIRST, and then trusting Him to help us get, in this case, our homework done?

My good friend Rachel told me of a time last semester at Simpson when she felt God calling her to skip school for one whole day and go up to Whisky Town Lake to spend time with Him. She was afraid to get behind in her studies, but she stepped out in faith and spent all day with Him at the lake. That was a wonderful day for her to be refreshed and replenished by the Lord, and she knew that He would provide her with the time to catch up on her studies.

There is a good metaphor about this, (or time management in general)...

Imagine you have a glass jar, the bigger the size the better.

Now fill it with some fist-sized rocks.
When the jar is full, put a few more in for good measure :D

Is the jar full? You might say yes, but it's not.
Now add some pebbles, shaking the jar to cause the pebbles
to work themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks.

Then, pour in a bunch of sand,
filling all the spaces between the rocks AND the pebbles.
One last thing, grab a pitcher of water and pour it in until the jar is filled to the brim.

The point of this is, if you don't put the big rocks in first, you'll never get them in at all. These big rocks represent our most important priorities. Our most important prioritY should be God, and our time with Him. When we fit Him in first, He makes everything fit in around Him, but not before Him. I hope this helps someone, I know that I need to work on this in MY own life.

Jamie Ann


Anonymous said...

Love it! The pics are great and I pray God does great things in you sweetie - as a result of embracing the jar thing. Love, Your Biggest Fan

hannahrae said...

That was an amazing metaphor miss jamie...

you are so amazing!

Emily Branca said...

The pictures were amazing Jamie! And the metaphor makes perfect sense.... God first, everything else to follow, and HE will ensure that it all fits... Something I must remember.

See you tomorrow


KalynRebecca said...

hey, could you get yourself added to the stirring blogger list please?

i like this blog... it's making me think...